4 ways to find the purpose of your life?

Are you at the crossroads? Uncertain about which path to take? Let’s clear the air for you. You might be a Jack of all trades, but what is the sole purpose of your life? Let’s figure it out!

1. What is one question that troubles you?

Is there a question that is troubling you since forever? A social, economical or a political question that doesn’t let you sleep at times? That could be the gap you are trying to fill. Most visions start as a question. The quest to excellence is just an off-spin of trying to find an answer to this question in your heart.

2. What are you good at?

Is there something that you are naturally good at? Is there a skill that naturally occurs to you? Or have you tried to master it with professional help? Is it something that will give you the best returns in a very short period of time? That could be “it”. The purpose of life is sowed in every soul. If you find yourself doing himalayan tasks with much ease. That could be your calling. But that’s not all.

3. What makes you happy?

Pleasure & happiness are two distinct things. There are so many fields flooded with opportunities that can land you a six-figure job and the so called ‘settled-down’ life. But will that give you happiness. Yes, of course, being able to look good in the eyes of the society, relatives and friends, is gonna make you proud. But will that give you an intense sense of satisfaction or an intense feeling of real happiness?

If the answer to these questions will be a no. Then a well-paying job isn’t the purpose of your life. Find what makes you happy. Inside out. What excites you for real? Something that makes you jump out of the bed every morning, to make a difference, to add value to lives, to bring about a change in this world, to create an impact in this society.

All this time, there was just one thing in your mind? That’s your purpose! That is who you are meant to be. That is what you are meant to be doing.

4. What are the odds?

Worried about being called foolish by the society? Most of teh legends and stalwarts were called so by this world. But we celebrate all of them centuries after they are gone. Never let the society or your peers decide what you are capable of. Never let anybody else determine your potential or your caliber. You know your mettle. You are the only one who knows how much your purpose means to you. It is your mind that is the mist difficult to convince. Everything else is doable.

Take that risk. Listen to your heart. Follow your purpose. Draft a plan. Change it if need be. Hustle. And life the best life.