Ace your HR Interview by preparing for these 20 questions

HR Interview process making you nervous? Here is how you can be prepared to face it with confidence. Avoid surprises by preparing for these 20 potential HR Interview questions and tips to answer them well.

With adequate preparation and confidence that stems out of it, beat the competition and stand out from the crowd.

Please introduce yourself.

Tip: Start with your name, your hometown, family background, and educational background, and wrap it up with your hobbies and interests. Make sure it is done in just 60 seconds.

Describe your work style in 1 line?

Tip: Explain your work ethic and express your commitment to work

What motivates you the most?

Tip: State your biggest motivating factor. Ensure that it is goal driven rather than money-driven.

What is your biggest strength?

Tip: Explain how it is going to help you perform well professionally.

What is your biggest weakness?

Tip: Explain the efforts you are taking to overcome it

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Tip: Explain your career path and the professional growth you dream of.

What is your life's passion?

Tip: Explain your driving factor in life.

What is the mantra of your life?

Tip: Tell them about one principle that drives your life decisions

How do you handle the pressure?

Tip: Tell them your practice or methods that make you work well under pressure without being crumbled by it.

Do you think that you are a nice person? Why?

Tip: Explain a good character in you that makes you empathetic, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent.

Are you willing to fail in your life?

Tip: Give a positive answer with conviction. We all know the only way to success is through failure.

If you are given a new project which is different from your skillset, which type of two team members will you choose to work with?

Tip: Analyse the given task and pick a team member who will help in executing it better.

Tell me one thing that you are guilty about?

Tip: Don't give a one-word answer. Reply with how you are overcoming it. Explain an incident or behavior that makes you guilty. And your coping mechanism.

Would you want people to like you or respect you?

Tip: This is a critical question. Take your stand and explain what convinced you to take it.

What is the meaning of your name? Do you think you are doing justice to your name?

Tip: This is a question to test your self-awareness. Make sure you are well prepared.

What do you think is the biggest invention of this world?

Tip: Put Forth an invention that has truly impressed you and has made life easier for a huge population.

Rate XYZ person's introduction out of 10 and tell me why?

Tip: Analyse their introduction professionally and deliberate the pros and cons

Do you think you are at your best today? What makes you think that?

Tip: This is a question to test your self-confidence. Ensure that your answer doesn’t convey over-confidence or self-doubt. Find a balance.

What has been the biggest demotivating thing in your life? What is the demotivating factor in your life?

Tip: Tell them the biggest downfall of your life and do not forget to mention how you built yourself up post it.

    What is your belief in karma? Karma pays back?

    Tip: Be crystal clear about your take on karma and substantiate your perspective with an example.