Belief: The Power Of Your Inner Self

Feeling broke because nobody believes in you? or you potential or your vision? Here is why it a wall that could be brought down.

1. Numbers don’t define you:  Our childhood has been tailored in such a way that we start judging ourselves in terms of numbers. How much did I score? How many followers do I have? How many likes have I got? How many friends do I have? How many bikes or cars I own? I’m just 17. I’m not even 20. But these are just numbers. Your followers do not determine your worth. Your scores do not reflect what you are capable of? Where are you doesn’t determine where you can get. You can get from 0 to 100 in no time. If you are willing to give your dreams all the time and efforts you have.

2. Nobody knows you better than you:  A vision is personal. Any anything you dream of is doable. Your journey towards your dream might be hindered by the others but never self-sabbotage your dreams. Stop stopping yourself and believe in your potential. Teh dream was planted in your because you are capable of making it happen. You are bound to create an impact and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

3. People judge you based on your past: In our society, an actor is judged by the number of box office hit she has. The impact of a movie is judged by its collections. A cricketers capabilities are judged by the records she or he has set or broken. Everybody is so used to judging other person by what they have done or said in the past. Nobody gives a second thought of what you are capable of. Do not wait for the approval of the society. Do not seek motivation from TED Talks. Work on yourself, for yourself, by yourself. When success becomes a habit. People will celebrate you. Until then make persistence a habit.

4. Change the narrative: Even if none of your family members or friends have treaded in the path you choose to travel, never lose hope. Set your eye on the prize and tackle every challenge in the process with wit and grit. Be a pioneer. Be a trendsetter. Remember to live a life you have never lived you must do things you have never done. Take the leap. Level up. If there isn’t a path, make one. People who had the courage to take the road less travelled were not lost, they have been pathfinders. You could be one too.

Younity facilitates a close-knitted student community for you that helps you share your vision, mission, goals and dreams without being judged. We are a non-judgemental & positive community, where the best minds of the nation are nurtured. Join us today!