Does luck matter in life?

Many of us think that- if a person gets a job in a multimillion-dollar company, he is lucky! If a person finds back the ring which he probably lost in the garden a few days before, he is lucky! Or even in health emergencies, if a person gets the needed treatment at the right time he is lucky!

Well, what people choose to call luck certainly exists! But the logic behind why luck accompanies only a handful of people and what one can do to become lucky are some factual questions they don't try to dig in.

A ten-year scientific study on the behavior of people who consider themselves lucky has shown four basic principles of luck:

  • They are first to notice, create, and act on opportunities coming their way.
  • They follow their gut feeling and intuition to make lucky decisions.
  • They don't give up on their failure and choose to persevere in their bad times.
  • They develop a resilient attitude to transform bad luck into good luck from past experiences.

How to create your own luck?

1. Being mentally Present

When a person consciously exists in his present, he is capable of immediately acting or taking an advance step to utilize the upcoming opportunity.

"Luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it." -Denzel Washington

2. Start networking

You never know how helping one person can help you back until you do it. Building networks with new people in your neighborhood, workplace, or anywhere you are going can reward you in exceptional ways.

“You make your own luck. Luck is the residue of design."-Larry King

3. Being open to opportunities

Every day is a brand new day, and every human on this earth gets an equal amount of opportunity to either use it or let it slip from their hands. Instead of ideally waiting for the lucky time to come your way, start creating one.

"Luck is the point where hardwork meets the opportunity." -Firoz Thairinil

Final Thought

Being lucky is not about happy accidents. It is what we have in our thoughts and behavior. Lucky people utilize their good and bad experiences to construct luck out of it.

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