Good listeners have turned out to be great achievers. You could too. Find out how?

Do you get super-excited when you have an audience? Are you constantly fighting the urge to be heard? Do you find yourself finishing other people’s sentences? Do you grow impatient when someone else is talking? Then this read is going to be a game changer.

While the world is longing to be heard. Be the one who listens. Listening is a skill that can be mastered over time. Here are the 5 best ways to become a better listener.

1. Be patient

Stay still and wait for the other person to finish. Cutting the speaker mid-way might be a risk. You might have misunderstood the context too. Being impatient and jumping into conclusions and sharing your opinion when the other person is talking is a straight “No-No” by the selectors in your interview panel.
Hold your composure and listen to the whole questions before you could answer the same.

2. Understand the intent

Listening with an open mind will help you prevent conversations turning into arguments. Trying to understand the context of the perception and opinion of others will eliminate miscommunication and will make you a good listener all together.

3. Be present in the present

Listening is learning. Hence it is important to live the moment while you are listening. Do not Think of what you would speak once the speaker is done talking. You could have the best keynote speaker in the hall, but if you are mentally elsewhere, you are practically missing the points that could be a potential life changer for you.

4. Frame your opinion

Listening with all your mind, helps you refine your opinion on any given case. It is important to gain inputs and audit the points of the person who is talking to you. You have to strike a balance between listening quietly and talking non-stop. When you think the time's right and appropriate, put forward your opinion in the best way possible. But until then listen to the person talking to you, to understand their take on any given issue during a conversation.

5. Listening >>> Speaking

Anybody can talk, it takes courage to sit down and listen. To listen patiently even when the speaker has got a totally contrasting opinion than yours is the epitome of education. One cannot be a great speaker without being a good listener in the first place. Listen before you think and think before you speak.

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