How to become a great leader at a young age? Find here.

Everyone has leadership skills, and they can use them while managing a small team, functioning with people, or being a CEO.

A leader is a person who is leading or showing the way to the team to reach a particular goal with more responsibilities and some form of authority in place.

How can I have the characteristics of a leader at a young age?

1. Have command of your voice

The voice of a leader impacts his presence and power. A leader's authority of voice projects humbleness, confidence, respect, and trust. It makes people follow your voice rather than feel bad or obliged.

2. Backed by logic

Leaders practice consciousness and self-awareness that help them have a logical vision to make rational decisions while dealing with everyday problems. For example, they don't follow myths like not eating non-veg on Tuesday, or not cutting haircuts on Saturday but they touch the feet of their elders because they know that it's a gesture to show respect.

3. Work comes first and relationships come later

Work followed by relationships- is the mantra leaders abide by. They have a knack for planning and replanning their strategies to get better results. It's their commitment to their goals that help them to avoid distractions like love, social life, etc.

As a leader, you have to make unbiased decisions on matters that might be personal to you. But this will only help you to grow and make people feel more respect for you.

Characteristics are the things a leader needs to have, and qualities are what he needs to take.

What good qualities people can expect from a leader?

1. Leaders curate and then expect

A boss expects only perfect returns, but a good leader should believe in the evolution of the human mind. If your team is not trained for certain work, then you have to curate them and give them multiple chances to perform. It's also necessary to identify red flags if they keep coming up with the same result, and you know they could have done better. In that case, after multiple warnings, you should fire them.

2. Leaders don't let things attached to their heart

Good leaders know how to manage their emotions and never make emotionally driven decisions. They stay open to the opportunity of leading any other team without feeling sad, depressed, or clingy for leaving their team.

3. Leaders forgive but they don't forget

A leader learns from his past setbacks and errors. He forgives intentional mistakes of a person, but he never forgets. He keeps a watchful eye to not get stuck in the same situation.

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