How to tackle disturbances in Group Discussion?

Have you felt like your voice or individuality is getting lost in a group discussion? Have you been unable to perform well in GD’s because of dominating peers? Then, this is for you.

Group Discussion is an inevitable part of any selection process. It tests your confidence, communication skills and opinions on key issues. Performing well at the Group Discussion can get you closer to your dream job. 

Just like you, everybody appearing for the Group Discussion is aware of the importance of it. Hence, at times, there are people who try to interrupt, dominate or overdo you and the points you are trying to put forward. Without knowing how to keep your calm and give your best despite these disturbances is vital. That is why you need to master key Disturbing Skills.

Let’s take a look at them:

1. Don’t pause mid-sentence: The minute you lower your voice or take a break to think in the middle of a sentence, there is someone in the group waiting to capitalise on it. Never pave the way for someone else to turn your weakness into their strength.

Come up with short sentences & phrases that convey key points. The lengthier the sentence, the more thinking it requires and hence more probability to pause mid way. Jot down the points in your head and convey them with clarity. Anyway, long sentences will not be awarded as it is a group discussion and not elocution.

2. Focus on the audience: Communicate your opinions, perspectives and standpoints to the audience without losing your focus. Some of your peers can try to overshadow you and your points. Do not lose your concentration. More importantly, do not lose your cool. Stay calm. Stay confident about your points. Make sure it is conveyed to the listeners the best way possible.

3. Attract the attention of non-listeners: Being a great communicator is not about engaging the listeners. It is about engaging the non-listeners too. The audience might not be interested in the topic you are discussing, but prioritise your points and be picky with your words to pull the attention of the audience into the discussion. Use relatable references to keep them attentive and curious about your next point.
When it comes to performing well in Group Discussions the spotlight is never shed on you. You take the center stage with your confidence, communication skills and clarity of points. Younity guides young minds to stand out in GD’s through its exclusive Group Discussion Tips & Tricks sessions held in 2 levels. Enrol now and land your dream job.