Struggling to keep private things private amidst your circle? Learn how to master it!

Every individual needs to have their personal space where they can be comfortable and be their original self without any second thought. Privacy means setting clear boundaries that should be respected by others. Own your privacy and prioritize it so that no one can intrude on it.

In this blog, we have explained the actual meaning of personal space and privacy without any filter.

What are the 3 levels of Personal space and Privacy?

The three levels of personal space and privacy are categorized as Them, Us, and I.

- I mean you

- US refers to the people who are close to you, and 

- THEM involves the people who you meet once in a while or they can be your social media circle as well.


Many of us are from the digital generation. This is one of the reasons that we have forgotten to maintain our boundaries on social media platforms, and we end up sharing things that we regret later. When you are conversing with your THEM set of people, there should be a difference from the US set of people. Be careful, and don’t overshare or reveal too much information about your life with them.


It includes your romantic partner, family, best friends, and slightly close people.

i) Best friends, Boyfriend, or Girlfriend- The people in this category are the ones with whom you can discuss and share anything, but you should maintain a certain level of privacy. Never intermix your friendships with your romantic relationships because, in the long run, it will affect both of these and you. The US may include your siblings as well if you have a great bonding with them.

ii) Parents- Many of us have the problem of maintaining our personal space with our parents, and because of the generational gap, we face more conflicts. The major problem is that we are not educated or aware enough to understand what they have been taught in their times. They tend to project the same learnings on us so we have to take advanced steps to discuss privacy with them. Communication is the key factor with the US set of people.

iii) The people who are slightly closer to you but are not your best friends- The people in this category have the right to ask about your life, and if you don't want to talk to them at the moment you can simply refuse. But later, you have to address the issue without fault to refrain from bringing negativity into the relationship.

3. I

The synonym of personal space is mental peace. Your privacy will not exist until and unless there is one with yourself. It's necessary to understand that you should not share your privacy in any form of intimacy even with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, or best friends.

Who is the biggest enemy of Personal space and Privacy?

Having a personal space helps to rearrange your thoughts and prevent you from radiating any negative vibes to people around you.

It becomes difficult to maintain the privacy or personal space when it's any of the below reasons:

- parents or siblings

- shared room

- smaller room

Communicating clearly about your privacy with people sharing the same roof as you, will give you mental peace and help you create healthy boundaries.

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