What is wealth management, and why should you care?

access_time 2022-10-18T09:48:34.184Z face Team Younity
What is wealth management, and why should you care? In today's economy, the term "wealth management" has become one of the most common phrases used to describe any financial plan. In other words, managing your finances is now synonymous with wealth management. However, few know what wealth managemen...

Red flags you might be ignoring in your One-Sided love or Friends with Benefits relationship. Read now!

access_time 2022-08-15T04:54:04.914Z face Team Younity
Red flags you might be ignoring in your One-Sided love or Friends with Benefits relationship. Read now! One-sided love and Friends with benefits are a part of the human experience in the modern world. Studies have shown that a significant number of people belonging to the age group between late teen...

5 habits Gen Zers should develop for a successful life

access_time 2022-08-14T07:22:59.028Z face Team Younity
5 habits Gen Zers should develop for a successful life Being one of the youngest generations, Generation Z belongs to 2.56 billion out of about 7.4 billion population in the world. Growing up in a social media landscape, Gen Z is overloaded with information and is the most internet-dependent generat...

Can a girl and a guy be best friends? Read more.

access_time 2022-08-10T06:39:29.384Z face Team Younity
Can a girl and a guy be best friends? Read more. If you have trust, loyalty, understanding, and care for your friend then it's pretty much obvious that you love him/her. The problem in a friendship starts surfacing when we say 'I love you’. Probably that means nothing to us, but it creates confusion...

Confused whom to listen? The heart or The mind to take a sustainable decision? Let’s undo the confusion in 5 minutes read.

access_time 2022-08-09T06:57:25.97Z face Team Younity
Confused whom to listen? The heart or The mind to take a sustainable decision? Let’s undo the confusion in 5 minutes read. When there are necessary decisions needed to make in life, most of us face a tug of war between our mind and heart. It's with the objective approach when we look into the matter...